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In nautical terms, the spinnaker is a hemispherical sail that is designed specifically for running a boat before a strong wind. Used as an airfoil to generate lift, a spinnaker is invaluable to maximize the speed and performance of the vessel, while its bright colors – in stark contrast to the main sail – enhance and showcase the beauty of the craft amongst the others. The spinnaker may be adjusted for a particular range of wind angles to further optimize the vessel's performance. However, due to the dynamic nature of the seas, one must tread carefully when raising and lowering the spinnaker since it will immediately catch the wind.

Likewise, SPINNAKER helps companies that are running before uncertain times. We bring the best of strategic thinking, analytical acumen and tactical knowledge to develop and implement solutions to critical business problems – solutions that are realistic, actionable, and sustainable.

SPINNAKER consistently delivers exceptional quality advice, expertise and tools to top executives at Fortune 1000 companies. Our solutions empower corporations to maximize the value of their assets, streamline the performance of their operations, and enhance their competitive positioning, even in the face dynamic market environments. These benefits, which extend directly to the organization's customers and – ultimately – their investors, have resulted in long-term relationships with SPINNAKER.