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Although each client faces unique opportunities and challenges, they share the urgency for rapid, effective solutions. SPINNAKER works extensively with clients to understand their priorities and quickly deploy our capabilities to deliver immediate and long-lasting results. Below are just a few examples of how we've helped clients realize their goals.

Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Executed largest cross-border transaction in Canadian history ($8B) creating North America's second largest life insurance company; exceeded synergy target by 40% while preserving customer relationships; structured and managed integration teams
  • Identified ultimate drivers of revenue by reverse-engineering end-customer economics to quantify cyclical components invisible to management and investors of an industrial manufacturer; lowered acquisition valuation by $10M (11%) in three weeks
  • Developed and executed dual acquisitions totaling $850M in North America for a Europe-based global technology client; lined up strategic investors and channel partners to put the acquired entity on path to profitable market growth

Predictive Analytics

  • Built a predictive model to budget, forecast and track medical requirements expense (annual spend $12M) utilizing hundreds of interacting variables; client improved forecasting accuracy from 70% to 98%
  • Developed an Erlang-based staffing model (statistical traffic algorithm) to estimate daily resource requirement; client used model to improve service level and increase utilization
  • Identified and quantified work units in application management to improve staffing training and sourcing in the IT department of an asset manager with over $200B under management

Expense Management

  • Reduced customer service unit costs by 60% and operations unit costs by 30% through site strategy, service segmentation and process improvement
  • Applied scenario-based planning in a volatile market environment and aligned organizational structure and expense base; client regained profitability within 18 months
  • Saved $1.5B across 6 business lines in 50 countries, exceeding the organizational target by 50%; opportunities were identified in 6 weeks while the implementation plan was enacted in 12 weeks, leading to 90% implementation within 5 months

Performance Improvement

  • Developed and implemented dynamic volume-based process flow to compress new customer processing cycle time by 90%
  • Implemented performance management program to eliminate backlog from sales support operations and improve cycle time; service levels, customer satisfaction and sales exceeded targets by 20%
  • Redesigned customer service functions, work flow, and training to increase automation and improve service levels by 40% while reducing unit costs by 30%